“Thank you for the valuable scholarship. I learned so much about dyslexia and more. As a teacher of special education students and a graduate student myself, I was especially impressed by the amount and high quality of research presented on a myriad of topics from brain functioning to vocabulary instruction. I was fascinated to hear about the variety of research and practice in the field. I was introduced to topics and materials that I will be reading and using throughout the rest of my career. After one day at the national conference, my head was spinning with information. By the fourth day, I felt as if I were swimming in a vast sea of knowledge about learning differences. The experience was exciting, inspiring, exhausting, fun, and especially unforgettable.”
Pam Webb, special education teacher
Who may apply?
Any parent or teacher living and/or working within our tri-county service area of Riverside, San Bernardino, or Orange Counties is eligible to apply for one of our scholarships. We offer scholarships for the IDA International Conference, usually in the fall, and we offer scholarships for our local Annual Conference, usually every Spring. The only requirement is a desire to learn more about literacy, a desire to help those with literacy issues, and a willingness to share information via an article or discussion.
In 1994, we began the Dovid Richards Scholarship Fund. From 1994 to 2000, we offered scholarships for our after-school literacy classes. Since 2000, we have been offering scholarships for individuals (teachers and parents) to attend teacher training conferences. Earnings from the Dovid Richards Scholarship Fund provide scholarships to our local and national conferences. We urge educators and parents to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Those who have attended past conferences advance their appreciation of the vast knowledge available to help special students substantially enhance their understanding and knowledge levels.
We award scholarships on a “first-come” basis, as long as money remains in the budget — so apply early!
TCB Scholarship Application Local Conference
These scholarships are available to IDA members who belong to the So. CA Tri-Counties Branch and who live and/or work within the three counties covered by TCB: Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. Also included are College students in teacher training programs (must show verification). Amount of the scholarship is 40% to 50% of the registration fee. Click here for the form and add the current date to it:
[LOCAL] Scholarship Form Parents Teachers
Teachers – here is a letter you may send to your administrator to encourage support!
TCB Scholarship Application to National Conference
Available for IDA members who belong to the So CA Tri-Counties Branch as well as teachers who work within the three counties covered by TCB: Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. Also included are College students in teacher training programs (must show verification) within our three counties. Amount of the scholarship is up to $500 to cover hotel, air far and/or registration. Click here for the form and add the current date to it.
[National] TCB-Scholarship-Form
Mail completed scholarship form to:
IDA Southern California Tri-Counties Branch
5225 Canyon Crest Drive #71, Box 308
Riverside CA 92507-6301
or send back to us via email.
Read what some of the previous recipients have written:
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