Treatment Services


California Treatment Services

Listed below is the contact information of professionals from our Referral for Services Database. They are members of our organization who have indicated that they are able to provide services for the dyslexic community. IDA does not recommend or endorse any individual, business, school or program. We provide these contacts to help you network with those involved in the issues of dyslexia.


The IDA supports efforts to identify dyslexic individuals at an early age and provide them with appropriate instruction. The IDA believes that multisensory teaching and learning is the best approach currently available for those affected by dyslexia. The IDA does not endorse and specific program, speaker or instructional materials noting that there are a number that present the critical components of instruction as defined by the Task Force on Multisensory Teaching which works under the guidance of the IDA’s Teacher Education Issues Committee.

Importantly, IDA cautions parents who are looking for instructors, clinicians, schools, and programs to be very thorough in their review of programs and services that claim to treat dyslexia or “cure” dyslexia. In this era of internet advertising, claims are frequently made about therapies and treatment programs that have little or no scientific merit. Claims about the effectiveness of some widely advertised programs and/or their components may be unsubstantiated by objective, independent research, and the practitioners of those programs and methods may not have met customary standards for training in the field.

For Service Providers

Are you a service provider interesting in working with students and adults who have a learning difficulty? If so, and if you wish to be included in our above listing of treatment services, please contact  We’d love to have you on our list! submit your information here Submissions received by the 23rd of the month will be posted to the website by the 5th of the following calendar month or sooner.

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