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The So CA Tri-Counties Branch of IDA is a volunteer organization that services Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties; parts of East San Gabriel Valley, and Southern Nevada.

The MISSION of TCB is to bring researchers and relevant literacy topics to the public and to share information regarding literacy, including dyslexia, via media, personal contact, and events focused on literacy.

We ENVISION building a community that facilitates literacy success through appropriate recognition, understanding, & strategy implementation appropriate to dyslexia and other language-based learning differences. Populations served include educators, parents, individuals with dyslexia, and those who share their lives.

We believe that all individuals have the right to achieve their potential, individual learning abilities can be strengthened, and social, educational and cultural barriers to language acquisition and use must be removed.


IDA So CA Tri-‘Counties is a GuideStar participant

Welcome everyone,

I’m delighted to once again be a President of the So Cal Tri-Counties Branch of the International Dyslexia Association.  This is my 4th time being President and each time presents different challenges.

Our board works to increase awareness and education of what dyslexia is and how it affects different people.  One of our goals is to get rid of the many myths that follow dyslexia. We provide resources and events to help people going through their journey with dyslexia.

Besides getting rid of the many myths regarding dyslexia, we have other goals. Here are some of them.

**We want classrooms where every child is successful and every child can read. If teachers follow the strategies in Structured Literacy, then this will be achieved.

**Teachers must be educated in the strategies for Structured Literacy. There are many components to Structured Literacy that involve written and oral language.

Structured Literacy is very useful for all students. It is our goal that it will be provided to all teachers during their training.

We’re having a wonderful conference on Saturday September 7th — and you’re invited.  Your registration covers your lunch as well as AM and PM snacks. To log in for more information, go to

You might wonder, how you can help.  It’s easy!!  Become a member of IDA and our Tri-Counties Branch and support our goals. Won’t you help us make our goals a realty.  Please join in with our mission.  If you are currently a teacher, IDA has a special “Starter Trial Members Level”.  You can join for a 6-month trial.  Then you can upgrade to another full-benefits member level starting at $50/year.

By the way, we have lots of information on our website about Structured LiteracyThe articles are under “Tools, Information & Resources” navigation bar. Check it out.

Regina G. Richards,
TCB President

* STRUCTURED LITERACY – more information on our website
We have posted an infographic on Structured Literacy on our Articles page (under Tools, Information & Resources” navigation bar.).

Dyslexia Information from the State of Calif. Guidelines

Refer to “legislation” in the “Tools, Information, & Resources” navigation bar.

More than one in ten children in the US struggle with dyslexia or other language based learning difference. Without appropriate intervention, struggling readers have a higher probability of not completing high school. Their dreams are dashed. Their opportunities are diminished. It doesn’t have to be this way.

IDA has printed a booklet, Dyslexia in the Classroom: What Every Teacher Needs to Know.  You may download it here.  It provides a wealth of information.


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