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Webinar: How Does the Brain-Body Connection Impact Reading and Spelling Skills?
Thursday 6pm PST, September 26, 2024. (Standard Pacific Time)
The brain-body connection is the hidden secret to improving reading and spelling skills.When we think of reading, we often only think of the visual and auditory processing systems. However, a couple of other systems are involved that directly impact learning. These other systems are the vestibular system and the haptic or tactile-kinesthetic system also thought of as physical movement and touch. They are activated through receptors in the skin and help assure that information will be retained in long-term memory.
Bonnie’s Bio: Scholar Within learning expert Bonnie Terry, M.Ed., BCET is a board-certified educational therapist, learning disabilities, dyslexia, and ADHD specialist with over 35 years of experience specializing in improving kids’ reading, spelling, and overall learning skills. Bonnie uses holistic teaching methods that are approachable and intuitive for parents to be able to do at home with their kids. Bonnie’s teaching methods are science-based, brain-based, and results-driven.
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