Advertise With Us
Check out our fantastic opportunities for sharing information about your own business or service! We offer the following:
- Web ad – placed on our left side column and it stays with almost every page
- Ad in our newsletter – The Resource
- Vendor opportunities at our Annual Spring Conference
Advertise in The Resource
Our IDA Southern California Tri-Counties Branch publishes a newsletter, The Resource, once a year in the fall. Currently our circulation is 3,000 per issue. Our Branch covers Riverside, Orange, and San Bernardino Counties, plus part of San Gabriel. Additionally, we post each newsletter on line.
We invite you to advertise to our members and others interested in literacy by placing an ad with us.
The procedure is simple…
- Submit a camera-ready ad matching one of the following dimensions to Tri-Counties Branch at the address above. Include this form for newsletter plus your payment. For more information, call Regina Richards (Branch Treasurer) at 951-686-9837.
- Our deadline is August 1st each year.
- Select your Ad Size and circle the column for the cost.
- Notice on the AD form that you can save by purchasing AD space for 2 years.
Size of Ad | Cost |
Half Page: 7.75 inches across x 4.75 inches down | $150 per issue |
2 column 4.5 inches across x 4 inches down | $105 per issue |
2 column 4.5 inches across x 3 inches down | $90 per issue |
2 column 4.5 inches across x 2 inches down | $75 per issue |
1 column 2.25 inches across x 2 inches down | $50 per issue |
1 column 2.25 inches across x 1 inch down | $30 per issue |
Advertise On The Web
- Print the Ad form for website
- Submit a publish‐ready ad matching the one of the following dimensions to TCB/IDA. Include this form and your payment. For more information, contact Regina Richards. (We have a graphics artist / typesetter consultant available at an additional cost.)
- Submit to TCB/IDA, 5225 Canyon Crest Drive, Suite 71, Box 308, Riverside CA 92507
- Select your Ad Size — and circle the column for cost
Ad Size (pixel width x pixel height)/Placement | 6 mos | 12 mos |
500 x 250 – homepage, center, below social share | $150 | $250 |
500 x 100 – homepage, center, below social share | $125 | $225 |
250 x 250 – homepage, center, below social share | $125 | $225 |
250 x 100– homepage, center, below social share | $100 | $175 |
100 x 250 – homepage, center, below social share | $100 | $175 |
100 x 100 – homepage, center, below social share | $75 | $125 |
250 x 500 – homepage, sidebar, below social media icons on right or below navigation on left | $150 | $250 |
250 x 250 – homepage, sidebar, below social media icons on right or below navigation on left | $125 | $225 |
250 x 100 – homepage, sidebar, below social media icons on right or below navigation on left | $100 | $200 |
- Your ad is not rotated like PPC and impression technology on other websites. Your ad stays up 24/7!
- This website has over 10,000 unique visitors per month.
All ads are subject to review and approval.
Vendor Opportunities at Annual Spring Conference
We invite you to join us at our annual conference, our literacy conference in the Inland Empire. As in past years, we are limiting our exhibitor space so that each exhibitor receives the greatest amount of exposure to participants. We will be continuing our special “introduction to exhibitors”: at the end of Friday’s session and before the social, each exhibitor will be invited to talk to the whole group for about 3 minutes. The purpose is to give you an opportunity to explain what you have to offer and excite the participants about visiting your booth during the social!! Come and promote your products/services!
Coming back soon.
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